When the earth will shake: TAMA 38 plans to deal with the danger

For several years the issue of earthquakes has been in the headlines and the concern about the dangers associated with them is increasing. To face the challenge, experts in the field recommend strengthening buildings and infrastructure and ensuring their readiness. Also, the recommendation is to act on the explanatory level regarding safety measures – creating emergency kits, evacuation plans, etc.

By raising awareness and high preparedness, it is possible to improve national resilience and protect the people of Israel from the unexpected earthquakes. A move that we at Shatban also take an important part in, with many TAMA and Pinoy-Binoy projects.

A little about TAMA 38

TAMA (National Outline Plan) 38 is an initiative that aims to address the challenges of resilience against earthquakes and urban development in Israel. This is by adapting old buildings: adding housing units, adding unique features to the property, etc. To encourage property owners to make the changes , they are granted various benefits such as additional building rights, increasing the value of the property and financial assistance.

The dual advantage of TAMA 38 makes it an ideal project. It simultaneously contributes to the expansion and modernization of cities, accommodates the growing population and promotes sustainable urban development, while improving overall safety.

Why are old buildings vulnerable to earthquakes?

Old buildings show low resistance to earthquakes, and have significant structural vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are due to outdated construction techniques and raw materials that do not meet modern seismic standards. As a result, these buildings are at a higher risk of being damaged or collapsing during an earthquake event.

Common weak points in old buildings include: weak foundation systems, insufficient lateral bracing and lack of structural compliance. Also, many old buildings were not designed to withstand the ground movement and lateral forces generated by seismic activity, making them particularly susceptible to structural failure.

To address these vulnerabilities, the structural elements of the building must be strengthened. Retrofitting not only improves the building’s earthquake resistance but also extends its overall lifespan.

Challenges and criticisms related to the implementation of TAMA 38

While TAMA 38 has significant advantages, attention must also be paid to the challenging aspects of the project, to ensure its continued success.

One of the main challenges is the complexity of the approval process. Some property owners shy away from the process and the bureaucratic requirements are daunting, which can slow down the start of the project. Streamlining the approval process and clearer guidelines may alleviate this problem.

Another criticism revolves around the potential for gentrification. TAMA 38 projects may lead to an increase in property values, which may result in the displacement of old residents, who can no longer afford to live in the area. Balancing urban renewal and maintaining community cohesion is a delicate task and must be taken into account throughout the process.

Critics of the model also raise concerns about the quality of construction and emphasize that strict supervision and quality control must be ensured during TAMA 38 projects.

Finally, there are concerns about the unequal distribution of the program’s benefits. Some argue that TAMA 38 disproportionately benefits property owners, while employees and low-income residents may not enjoy these benefits. Therefore, the distribution of benefits must be ensured in a more equitable manner, so that the program will be successful in the long term and provide resilience beyond the earthquake issue .

And what about the regulation in the field?

TAMA 38 projects operate within the broader context of municipal and national building codes, which are designed to set standards for construction quality and safety, including earthquake resistance. Construction companies must comply with these regulations to ensure projects meet seismic standards.

Moreover, the Israeli government recognized the importance of promoting earthquake-resistant construction. It provides financial incentives and tax benefits to encourage property owners to participate in TAMA 38 projects, while also incorporating earthquake preparedness.

Community involvement – a critical aspect that is not talked about enough

As a veteran construction company involved in a variety of TAMA 38 projects, it is important for us to emphasize the importance of community involvement in earthquake preparation efforts.

First, in any earthquake event, communities are at the forefront and must respond effectively to ensure the safety of their members. Earthquake-related community initiatives to include exercises, workshops and publicity campaigns to inform residents about what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Furthermore, community participation fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. When residents actively participate in disaster preparedness, they are more likely to take proactive steps, such as renovating their homes or creating emergency kits. This collective action can significantly improve the overall resilience of the community.

Also, community involvement enables the identification of vulnerable populations in the area. Some people, such as the elderly, disabled or low-income residents, may need special assistance during and after an earthquake. By engaging the community, these needs can be recognized and addressed effectively.

Communities that work together in preparedness efforts are more flexible and better equipped to support each other in times of crisis, such as those that follow a major earthquake.

In conclusion, TAMA 38 is one of the most important projects in Israel

The TAMA 38 urban renewal program is an extraordinary initiative that both revitalizes the urban landscape and contributes significantly to earthquake preparedness. By incentivizing property owners to renovate and upgrade older buildings, TAMA 38 makes communities safer, in the face of the growing threat of earthquakes.

Therefore, we will continue to take an active part in the preparedness efforts, we will not wait for an earthquake disaster to catch us off guard and ensure a safe and prosperous future.

Shaul Shteckler, owner of Shatban Ltd

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